Monday, May 31, 2010


Oops!!! I just forgot that i have a blog n i need to post articles in. I was out for 10 days and couldn't get access to internet anywhere so didn't update anything...

Definitely a lot happened in these 10 days... Most important being I'm officially a graduate now...had my convocation on 29th may so with that i became an ex-christite. I would miss the christ campus a lot but yes i have very good memories. And on 29th may I met few of my friends for the last time...

My graduation day was wonderful and very well organized...we all were in black robes and hats and had a long precession with band, which played tracks like "sare jahan se accha". The function happened in main audi and we all had to sit according to our roll numbers and I couldn't sit with my friends...but i did enjoy the function...

There was also list of speeches but all of them were good though I can't type in all the speeches, in a just I can say that most of the speeches were about our responsibility towards our country, our parents and our elders.

1 comment:

  1. wow Mridu.. this is awesome.. the pic is really very cute.. :) way to go mridu.. :)
    n hope u dint sleep off between those speeches.. ;)
    i guess u can write another article here abt the speeches u heard there.. :P
